
Bowen, M. (1976) Theory in the practice of psychotherapy. In P. J. Guerin, Jr. (ed.) Family therapy: theory and practice(pp.…

Literature Review

Bowen’s theory of family system has been supported by numerous empirical researches, especially in the concept of differentiation of self. Bowen…

How the Model Views Problems

The model analyzes five concepts regarding individualization and family relationships, and how we interact with one another in a family…

How Change Occurs

Change occurs when each family member becomes aware of their role in relation to the problem/s. Bowen believed it is…

Role of Therapist

The role of a therapist utilizing the Bowen based theory is to reduce anxiety among the family members and increase…

Techniques and Interventions

Bowen does not have much of a technique, his goal was more concerned with ensuring the families were differentiated (Brown,…

Key Concepts

  Bowen discovered and practiced several concepts. The following concepts are described by Michael Kerr (2000). Triangle is described as…